Friday, February 25, 2005

Big Day

Tomorrow is the big day so if you live in WA don't forget to vote.

Please make your vote count and vote Green 1 before you preference either of the major parties.

See you on the other side.

Lee Bell, Candidate for East Metro with son Oscar at the East Metro Launch

Blogging, So Easy Anyone Can Do It!

Fellow candidate Graham Kierath has caught the blogger bug and is currently running a site at Talk With Graham. You might as well check it out and leave a message, I did.


One of the big things about being a candidate is that you receive emails from people asking you to do something for them or from people trying to sell you stuff.

A usual day can consist of emails like......

Hi Jason,
I have been asked to host the state election special this Saturday (12th). Sorry about the short notice. I am inviting candidates from all parties within our license area tom come in and speak to the electorate for 5 mins. Can you make it?

My contact details: xxxx xxx xxx or email.

xxxxx xxxxx.

So I am being asked to do what? He talks about license area so I assume its for radio. Just before I started this update I did some research that suggests that this may have been for Heritage 107.3FM which would have been good fun because they are generally sympathetic to Greens issues but none of this was mentioned in the email.

If they are not looking to get you to do something they are trying to get you to buy something.

Dear Jason,

We are xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx, a local business specialising in mobile advertising solutions.

We still have some vehicles available to promote your election campaign at a discount especially for you.

Advertising in the form of mobile billboards and vehicle signage takes your ‘face’ and your message directly to where your electorate is most of the time- on the road, commuting, shopping, picking kids up from school, running errands, etc. It has proven to be more effective than stationary billboards in terms of rates of exposure, frequency, and message recall over other types of outdoor media.

Our mobile advertising solutions are cost effective compared to national mobile billboard companies.

If you have your artwork ready, we still have the following vehicles left to offer for your election campaign:

1x24-seater bus that runs daily in metro area,

3x12-seater vans that run daily in metro area,

1 trailer 1.8m long x 0.8m high, and 1 larger trailer that can be towed wherever you wish.

Please don’t let this opportunity pass you.

By all means, good luck in your re-election campaign!


Its true, lots of people do buy ad space on the back of trailers and on the side of trucks during their campaign but not greens. Greens don't take corporate dollars so we are lucky if we can afford an ad in the local paper. It was nice to be wished good luck in my re-election though.


Here is a copy of the ad that will appeared in the Comment News on the 15th with me and my fellow candidates. Its a very positive ad (just like the greens) stating what we are for, not against.

Click for Larger

The Other Candidates

With me in the journey towards the election are seven other candidates. Here is where you can find information on them.

  • Bret Busby, Independent
  • Alannah MacTiernan, Australian Labor Party
  • Madeleine Goiran, Christian Democratic Party WA
  • Diane Johnson, Liberal
  • Joyce Elizabeth Richards, CITIZENS ELECTORAL COUNCIL
  • Colin Butler, ONE NATION
  • John Coules, FAMILY FIRST

    I don't understand why but the last three are supposed to be all uppercase. It seems a bit in your face to me.
  • Saturday, February 19, 2005

    Work, Work, Work!

    I have been so busy between work and the election that I haven't been back here to post lately. At least there is only one week left to go. I have been posting at my other two sites though.

    Check out Transit WA if you get bored and if ya like you can also visit my new election blog at A Green Election which will focus more on what its like to be a candidate instead of the election itself.

    Saturday, February 05, 2005

    The Launch

    I would like to officially launch my campaign as the Greens WA Candidate for the seat of Armadale.

    Go over to my profile on the Greens WA website and check out my tired looking mug.

    I shouldn't do too badly. The sitting member for Armadale looks as tired as I do.

    Wednesday, February 02, 2005

    Too Good to Miss

    I thought this story was too good to go unnoticed so here it is in its entirety as seen on

    Just lie back and think of dole
    From correspondents in London
    February 01, 2005

    A 25-year-old German woman is risking her unemployment benefits after refusing to be a prostitute.

    The woman, an unemployed information technology worker, was contacted by her local job centre telling her an employer was interested in her "profile", Britain's Daily Telegraph reported. She was not told who the employer was.
    The woman said she was willing to work in a bar at night and had worked in a cafe.

    Only when she phoned did she discover she was being recruited by a brothel.

    Prostitution has been legal in Germany for two years.

    Under Germany's welfare laws, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry – or lose her unemployment benefit.

    The woman cannot even sue the job centre because the job centre is not breaking the law.

    Job centres can be sued by employers if they do not cut benefits to people who turn down jobs.