Friday, August 20, 2004


Today I watched the Australian woman's soft ball team beat the Canadian team. Why did I do that? Its soft ball, who the hell cares?

What magical power does the Olympics posses that makes normal people sit down in front of the T.V and watch sports that you wont see again for another 4 years. What's more is that you get so caught up with the action that your on the edge of your seat, willing your team to do well.

Where do the people in these events come from? In my house growing up it was you either play the national sport, Aussie Rules Football, or you watched the national sport. Preferably while doing the national past time of drinking yourself silly.

I can just see it now. "Urr Dad, I'm taking up Badminton. I'm going to be an Olympic Badminton champ and hopefully one day beat the Chinese to win a gold medal."

"What are you?? Queer?"

Why is it that all men of my fathers generation and older say that. Queer? Is such a bad thing? I always wanted to say yes but never had the guts!

The T.V show Seinfeld only made people like dad worse because now 'What are you? Queer?' is now followed by 'Not that there is anything wrong with that!' For some reason I think dad thinks if he says that then he's not homophobic.

Are there national Badminton playoffs where Olympic selectors hang out hoping for the next champ? Do people grow up wishing to be a future Olympic Table Tennis player?

I'm tired. I would go to bed but I think the Fencing is on.

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