Since I have decided to write at least once a week, I am here writing. There, are you happy? Will my few feeble misspelled sentences keep you people satisfied for another week? No?
Fine, I will write more.
Today I was thinking about my friend PocKet. Well OK she is not my friend since I have never actually spoken to her but she is an acquaintance. Hmmm OK she's not an acquaintances, she's.........Oh I give up. She knows what she is. PocKet what are you?
Maybe she's my favourite author. No that can't be right, my favourite author is a short funny looking english comic. Could she be my therapist? Sorry, only Dr Phil can fill that position. Look anyway she (If she is even a she) writes a blog that I visit more then once a week.
So anyway I was thinking about PocKet today because today is Sunday and as everybody knows Sunday is Crap and Fish Sticks day. The only problem is PocKet lives on the other side of the world which is a whole twelve hours away, so while I'm about to go to bed after a hard day at the XBOX she still has all her XBOX fun ahead of her.
Anyway, the whole point of the problem is that its almost Monday yet Crap and Fish Sticks has yet to be updated due to the whole time difference thing.
It's not fair!
I'd like to think of myself as an enigma.
I'll try to update Saturday evening/night, especially for you, because you gave me an update entirely devoted to ME!
Don't let it go to your head, I just wrote what was on my mind. Just so happens you were there.
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