Counting as finally finished and a result was declared at 90.38% of the votes.
Overall I came in fourth behind the Christian Democratic Party. I could gripe and say that if they just counted all of them I could have made it into third spot since I was making ground towards the end but it is unlikely.
The final results of Armadale are as follows.
BUSBY - IND 444 1.86%
MacTIERNAN - ALP 13,095 54.96%
GOIRAN - CDP 1,317 5.53%
BRENNAN - GRN 1,171 4.91%
JOHNSON - LIB 6,250 26.23%
RICHARDS - CEC 92 0.39%
BUTLER - ONP 700 2.94%
COULES - FFP 757 3.18%
So what you're saying is that not every vote counts, so next time I shouldnt bother voting?
I know, I know. Sorry. I know you wanted to have access to the king and I have let you down. You will just have to wait for my army to rise up.
I'm not sure if you still deserve my fealty, good sir!
What if I offer Sponky as reward for your allegiance?
He is hard working and will serve you well.
I accept your manservant as a token of good grace and friendship.
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