Tuesday, October 23, 2007

F1 (Finish)es In Style

The last round of the Formula 1 championship is always exciting but when three drivers are all going for glory then its spectacular!

New driver Hamilton missed out on tying up his first championship two weeks ago by not finishing the China Grand Prix. This left Hamilton with only a 3 point advantage over two time champion Alonso and a seven point advantage over Kimi Raikkonen. In an awesome twist of fate which had Hamilton suffer car trouble and Alonso just not having the speed, Kimi Raikkonen is the newest F1 Champion.

Right from the start Ferrari were all over the two McLarens with Massa blocking Hamilton off the start leaving room for Kimi to move up into second then Kimi held off the power in front of Hamilton giving Alonso an easy pass up the inside. Blocking Hamilton to help Alonso through the gap gave Kimi the best chance of winning the championship. Hamilton, not happy with dropping two places in the first two corners tried to come back at Alonso but while making a move only inches away from the back of Alonso's car, Hamilton lost down force on his front wing and locked up his right hand front tyre.

A few laps later, Hamilton lost power in his car and spend over thirty seconds watching the whole field of cars race by. He then spent the rest of the race getting back up to eighth position giving the title to Kimi Raikkonen!

Monday, October 15, 2007

First Impressionss Of The New Perth Railway Tunnel

Went down to the Esplanade station and looked around before continuing through to Perth underground and then to Leederville before coming straight back.

First impressions. Ugly, Grey, stuffy, the walk from Perth underground to Perth station is way to far, not enough escalators and the line between Perth underground an Leederville is so noisy that children were covering their ears.

Did I mention ugly? Your eyes thank you when you come up into Perth station after walking under Wellington Street.

I'm not happy that my city has to live with this eyesore, even if it is buried under the ground!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Favourite Time

Yay my favourite time is here again! Election time!

The Federal Election has been called today for the 24th of November and no I will not be running again this time. Besides last time It was the State election that I ran for. Ahh good times! I miss Graham Kierath having a go at me on his blog. Those were the days!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Welcome nosy people from my High School.

Like many people I can't remember much about high school. Sure I can remember a little but most of it is really, really hazy. High school wasn't a fun place to be and anyone who says that it was the best years of their lives have had a horrid life. As you can expect a high school reunion right now surprised me.

I'm not sure why it surprised me because ten year reunions are the thing to do, maybe I was just so busy that I forgot that it had been ten years. My first comment to Téa when she broke the news was of shock.

"....but didn't Andrew (a family friend who graduated my High School a few years earlier) just have his reunion??"

"That was three years ago" Téa was more then amused with my ability to let years flash by.

So faced with a ten year reunion that I would regret not going to I went and sent my RSVP last night. To whom it went to I don't know but in a month I might just find out.

So what do you say about yourself at a reunion? You naturally think to talk up your accomplishments but how much is to much and why should I care anyway. These are people that I knew ten years ago, most of them I didn't know very well. Will they judge me and gossip about me after I have gone? Highly unlikely, most wont even recognize me. Does it matter what you do for a job? It's cool that the former manager of Nirvana sent me food while Téa was sick in hospital but no one else cares that I know semi-famous people and to mention it would be obnoxious.

I thought about trying to sell some websites at the reunion. Just a box of business cards and a smile and they will all be signing contracts. One night could set me up for next year. Not likely. Best leave the business at home.

That just leave wondering who will be there and if any of your group will be there. I know that there are a few people I would actually like to see. After looking over the reunion website (reunion website? Wonder if there are future business ideas there) I know that at least one of the people I would like to see there is living in another state. (hi peter if you're reading, if your not, well.......) I wonder how many others have moved to far away?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chris Crocker

In case you have somehow missed Chris Crocker's vblog about Britney please follow the link. Chris is probably most like the bad guy from Silence of the Lambs just before he cracks and thinks making a girl suit is a good idea.

Content like this should just normally be ignored so that the poster looses interest and goes back to contributing something other then a 'reality vblog'. Poor Chris, I blame MTV.

I wanted to share because he has attracted so many video responses that some are worth a look. Never to be left out, Seth Green has also done one.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Retro Crap

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I was reminded of a time when animated crap ruled the internet today when someone showed me their old mess of a site, complete with midi music. I don't miss them one bit.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Email me at crap Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket horridsite.com

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Next Step

Since I post mostly YouTube videos here its about time I make my own video. Dull they may be but this is the best content I could find to try out YouTube for the first time.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Peak Hour On The Buses

Buses have heaps of understeer at the best of times. Why not try and race them.....

Riding The Bus In LA

'Excited and sad after seeing Who Killed The Electric Car Sarah and Shelley decide to no longer drive their cars until they are retrofitted to electricity. Their resolve to "saving the environment" is tested when they ride L.A.'s buses.'

What it's really like on the bus at night.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Great Moments In Music #5

B 52's - Love Shack

Oh how I hated this song when I was a kid. For a while you could always expect Love Shack to come last in all the music countdown shows.

Now unfortunatly my music tastes have changed and I really like the B52's. I would have shared this one sooner but they sound like Deelite.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Great Moments In Music #4


The 'Seattle Movement' of the early '90s dictated how I dressed for the next eight years. While I missed out on the start of the Nirvana craze I quite happily jumped on board for Soundgardens album Superunknown.

While Nirvana didn't hit me for a couple of years, I still remember the countless playings of Smells Like Teen Spirit on the radio and tv. It was even popular enough for Weird Al to have a crack at it.

The bubble didn't last and Kurt ended the ride in '94. I don't remember where I was when I heard about it but he sure did make cool music.

Smells Like Teen Sprit

Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Great Moments In Music #3


Who didn't crush on Tiffany Darwish back in '87! For me she was the older hot girl. Even though she was only 16 at the time she was an older woman to me.

Looking back at the 'I Think Were Alone Now' video sure does bring back memories but it's more cringe worthy now. The horrid dancing, big hair and bad video editing make it a four and a half minute comedy act. Parodys such as How I Met Your Mother's Robin Sparkles can't even live up to the cringe value.

Tiffany's debut album, amazingly called Tiffany, sold over eight million albums but like most other teenage acts her two follow ups failed to reach the same heights with her third album only selling around 200 000 copies.

In 2000 at the age of 29 Tiffany put herself out there again to forge a career as an adult. Her album was a success with the critics all giving it rave reviews.

I couldn't mention Tiffany without mentioning her Playboy pics. If your interested you can find them here. I know I was interested to see the '80's girl of my dreams and I wasn't disappointed.

Tiffany now earns a living as an entertainer and is doing well with another album out very very soon. She is also active in reality television circles.

Tiffany's Official Site

I Think Were Alone Now

'80's Parody Robin Sparkles

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Great Moments In Music #2

Massive Attack

Massive Attack came along during a time when I couldn't afford CD's. To get around this I would tape Rage (an all night music show in Australia) on video then the next day I would transfer the songs I liked to a cassette so I could listen to it in my room.

My four favourite bands from that time are Oasis, Blur, Portishead and Massive Attack. I'm sure that if I go through my old tape box if would be full of great Rage gems. Now that I have grown up and have money to buy whatever I want I have bought Blur, Portishead and Massive Attack. I no longer think Oasis is very good.

I have picked what must be the best two Massive Attack hits to share today, Protection and Tear drop. I have watched Protection countless times but when I was younger I hated the 58 second lag between the start of the video and the start of the music. Teardrop is a little freaky. If you haven't seen the Tear drop video before it is worth the five minutes.


Tear Drop

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Things To Do When Your Bored #2

Play Bus Driver on PC.

Great Moments In Music #1

Over the next few weeks I want to share some great music memories.


While Deee-lite had four number one dance hits in the US, 'Groove Is In The Heart' would qualify as a one hit wonder. It's a great song that was played over and over in the sprit of a one hit wonder till everyone winced at the mere mention. 17 years on you could probably stand to hear it one more time.

Check out what Deee-lite have been up to lately at this
die hard fans site.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The End Of The World?

I'm sorry but I'm with James Cameron on this one. You should never name anything skynet unless you want trouble!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Get Out of my Head!

I've had a song stuck in my head for about 23 years now and I wish it would let me live my life!

I'm sure you all know it. Maybe if you all click on the youtube video it will enter your head and leave me alone!

I couldn't find the original video of the song so heres the next best thing......

I love this next song too but it doesn't live in my head. Thank god!

Chris's delivery of the last line is awesome!

Friday, February 16, 2007

UK TV Show Paints Awful Picture Of The US

Earlier in the week BBC car program Top Gear spent a whole hour telling it's viewers that America was an awful place to go and shouldn't be visited by anyone.

The shows presenters were placed in Florida with $1000 each, told to buy a car and then drive it across a few states to Louisiana to inspect the destruction of Hurricane Katrina one year on.

Now I have never felt a connection with the United States but I really felt uncomfortable with about just how much US bashing was featured in this episode.

OK, that being said the episode was really funny when Clarkson wasn't bashing his Atlantic neighbours. Here is an eight minute clip of the boys being chased out of Alabama after they wrote derogatory statements designed to cause trouble on their cars.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

OK This One Is Just For The Nerds

I saw this pic on a 'Caption This' contest with the winning caption being "Giant Wiimote rivals original Xbox controller in size." OK, the more that I read that the stupider it gets. Sorry, I'll just shut my big fat mouth. Well the original controller was crazy big though.

I love my XBOX, even if I do only play one or two games on it. Is it wrong to have a collection of 48 XBOX games and only ever play two of them? Maybe I should donate the rest to poor kids who cant afford games. Who am I kidding, they would just abuse me for not having Playstation 3 games!

PS If you are looking at this post with Mozilla, congrats! You are seeing the layout I had hoped for. If your looking with IE, sorry.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Internet Is Just A Mouse Click Away

Blockbuster Video's new ad that aired during the superbowl makes me laugh everytime I see it.

It so reminds me of the internet that we had back in the 90's

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Jesus Camp

Last night I think I watched the only documentary I have ever seen with no bias in its presentation. It is a real credit to it's directors Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing.

Jesus Camp was able to effectively portray an honest and impartial depiction of one faction of the evangelical Christian community.

It's definitely worth seeking out but in the end I couldn't help but turn into Cartman from Southpark. I almost started making plans to move to America to join these people and ultimately get rich. I think Pastor Ted Haggard has that effect on some people.

Did I Leave A Blog Here?

I never wanted to stop blogging but as with everything, life gets in the way. I've been able to spend a bit more time on the computer lately so I thought I would do some blogging too.

I give you the third re-invention of jaso32's blog, The Curse Of Great Beauty complete with a new template. Since my wife is the one who understands web design I have had trouble with the new template so it looks really cool in IE but sucks in Firefox. Isn't it usually the opposite?

Well if you visit here often you will probably find a few YouTube vids and not much substance but isn't that was blogging is really about?