Earlier in the week BBC car program Top Gear spent a whole hour telling it's viewers that America was an awful place to go and shouldn't be visited by anyone.
The shows presenters were placed in Florida with $1000 each, told to buy a car and then drive it across a few states to Louisiana to inspect the destruction of Hurricane Katrina one year on.
Now I have never felt a connection with the United States but I really felt uncomfortable with about just how much US bashing was featured in this episode.
OK, that being said the episode was really funny when Clarkson wasn't bashing his Atlantic neighbours. Here is an eight minute clip of the boys being chased out of Alabama after they wrote derogatory statements designed to cause trouble on their cars.
I agree the America bashing was a bit too much; though they never really mean what they say.
Still, great episode though! Hey, did you ever see the episode were they hired a caravan? Hilarious.
I've seen them burn one down while cooking but I haven't seen the whole episode. Australia is way behind on Top Gear and I'm only a recent convert (Last 12 months or so). I only see new episodes if I get them on the net. I use to watch 5th Gear when I had a satellite dish but haven't seen it since discovering Top Gear!
5th Gear - pah! A cheap Five ripoff. Top Gear pwns!
It's a shame you never saw the whole episode were they burnt the caravan down; that's the one I was on about. It's so good.
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