I thought for a while about phobias before sitting down. Growing up in Australia teaches you very quickly to make peace with the bugs and snakes. Poor Rob, as much as I would love for him to visit, wouldn’t last a day before retreating to the top of a table only to find that the spiders are just as much at home on the ceiling as they are on the floor. Something did stand out in the memory banks as a crazy fear I had as a child, the fear of heights.
Between the ages of 6 and 10 I had a crushing fear of heights. While all the other kids would climb on the playground, I would keep my feet firmly in the sand. I don’t want to revisit that playground because I’m sure that I’m taller than it now but for that little 6 year old Jason, climbing onto that wood and rope covered adventure frame represented death! The fear that if I fell my head would be smashed into a million tiny pieces.
Thankfully, I no longer have that fear. I went on to study aviation at a school that required four hours on a bus. Taking my first flight in a plane I felt no fear, only boredom. Did you know there is nothing to do up there? I stuck out the aviation course for four of the required five years but I just couldn’t come to terms with the sheer boredom of flying.
As an adult and very new to the dating scene again I only have one fear. You get to know someone, maybe only briefly, romance takes over, the pants come off and she isn’t a she but rather a pre-op transsexual. She was so convincing! I’m not judging anyone’s lifestyle, I just like girls! Girls with girl parts! The last thing I want to see down there is my reflection. That’s not to say I would stop things progressing after that revelation, that story is for another time. I think The Kinks tell this story amazingly in musical form.
*First published on Geek Life*
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