Saturday, February 10, 2007

OK This One Is Just For The Nerds

I saw this pic on a 'Caption This' contest with the winning caption being "Giant Wiimote rivals original Xbox controller in size." OK, the more that I read that the stupider it gets. Sorry, I'll just shut my big fat mouth. Well the original controller was crazy big though.

I love my XBOX, even if I do only play one or two games on it. Is it wrong to have a collection of 48 XBOX games and only ever play two of them? Maybe I should donate the rest to poor kids who cant afford games. Who am I kidding, they would just abuse me for not having Playstation 3 games!

PS If you are looking at this post with Mozilla, congrats! You are seeing the layout I had hoped for. If your looking with IE, sorry.

1 comment:

Rob Kidman said...

Ah the dinner plate controller. I for one didn't have a problem with it; in fact I hated the S-controller.

Is it wrong to have a collection of 48 XBOX games and only ever play two of them? Honestly? No, it's not wrong.

You've inspired me to take a photo of my games collection now; granted the oldest games are up in my loft 'cus I just ain't got the room in my cupboard-o'games.

And I checked out you blog on IE, and yeah it looks so much better of FF.