Monday, January 17, 2011

I prefer Gnu

I love how I can stick out in the minds of the people I meet, unfortunately I don't think about others as much as they do about me. I hadn't thought about this guy at all till this was brought to my attention today. As far as I knew we were all friends till I was uninvited from his wife's birthday party, even though I had got her an $80 gift. I'm not worried but, to this day, I don't know why Dan feels such hate.

This tweet was in reference to Téa Smith who, while out with my children, was bullied by a few with too much time and a bored Saturday night to fill.


Daniel Ross said...

This was brought to my attention by a mutual follower.
With careful consideratiion I will comment:

People and situations and especially the "pissing contest" that is Twitter, allow situations like these to escalate out of control, to a point to which there is no turning back. I considered you a friend, right up until a certain point where I feel my trust was violated. Not a good result for our first actually real conversation. I gave you my ear and offered advice esspecially at a vunerable time in your life. One would think that you of all people were able to tolerate people talking shit around you.

Did you really think you would be the knight in shining armour by twisting this and passing it on?

For what its worth, I really am sorry for the childish "wilderbeast" comment. That was uncalled for, an I have enough conviction and integrity to admit that.

I will be the first one to admit that I can be an obnoxious, Self righteous, My opinion is the only opinion- dont like it fuck off.. kinda guy. and I will dig my heels in big time to the point where I will burn a bridge through pure principle.


Just know this.. I do not have any "real" issue with either you or Tea. Most of What I have said/done has been reactive.

And just for the record. The birthday event you referenced. Inga cancelled that. Everybody was "uninvited"

I agree to say nothing more about this or related issues.

Anonymous said...

Oh Daniel well written.
This comment is lyrical gold...

“People and situations and especially the "pissing contest" that is Twitter, allow situations like these to escalate out of control, to a point to which there is no turning back.”

This is something I have struggled with and fell victim to of late, after a very brief spell in a twitter addicted person’s life.
I got to read on and be informed by others of self righteous ranting about me by a person who had never met me & knows nothing about me. WTF?

I think the self absorbed don’t realise how this leads to a person becoming seriously reactive, but if and when you do you are labelled the bad guy.

It also has its dangers for other very physical reasons. I already had means of getting my moment with the accused, however had I not I could of, these people tweet their every location for all to stalk... bring on the public displays of "say it to my face bitch".
Thankfully at some point I had the sense to take a step back and muse over the ridiculous nature of it rather than react further, which I might add shamefully, was very much on my cards.

Jason, I think you have the idea of what bullied is all wrong in your head?
It is only my opinion but people who are bullied will not provoke or retaliate. I think when they do it entices and invites pack mentality.
Do you not think all parties involved in the scenario you speak of would have the intelligence and then some to identify with that?

Also what do your children have to do with it, this comment is absurd.
“while out with my children, was bullied by a few”.

Is not ones choice when they engage on twitter?

Therefore if there is some issue with the children being there why read your tweets or continue with the situation?

All very confusing. Sam