Sunday, March 20, 2005

I Am God!

Those of you who thought I was joking when I said that I am a God because I can create my own people be amazed as I have replicated that feat again. Eventually I will have made enough to create an army that will crush those that stand in my way.

Bow down before me now and join my army or die in the wake for I am God.


Sponky said...

You're a super-stud!

Evelyn Fish said...

God of what?

Jason said...

God of everything!!!

I'm sure no one else can make mini people as easy as I can. The only problem is that they take 18 years to grow into the soldiers I need. Also I don't really have control over the mini people so if they don't want to battle for me they wont.

Evelyn Fish said...

Doesn't seem like you've got it all sorted out, man. :(

Have you thought of beatings?

Jason said...

"Have you thought of beatings?"

Yes, but I am too lazy to implement them