Friday, March 11, 2005


Counting as finally finished and a result was declared at 90.38% of the votes.

Overall I came in fourth behind the Christian Democratic Party. I could gripe and say that if they just counted all of them I could have made it into third spot since I was making ground towards the end but it is unlikely.

The final results of Armadale are as follows.

  • BUSBY - IND 444 1.86%
  • MacTIERNAN - ALP 13,095 54.96%
  • GOIRAN - CDP 1,317 5.53%
  • BRENNAN - GRN 1,171 4.91%
  • JOHNSON - LIB 6,250 26.23%
  • RICHARDS - CEC 92 0.39%
  • BUTLER - ONP 700 2.94%
  • COULES - FFP 757 3.18%

    Sponky said...

    So what you're saying is that not every vote counts, so next time I shouldnt bother voting?


    Evelyn Fish said...

    ALL BOW TO KING JASON! Wait, what?

    Jason said...

    I know, I know. Sorry. I know you wanted to have access to the king and I have let you down. You will just have to wait for my army to rise up.

    Evelyn Fish said...

    I'm not sure if you still deserve my fealty, good sir!

    Jason said...

    What if I offer Sponky as reward for your allegiance?

    He is hard working and will serve you well.

    Evelyn Fish said...

    I accept your manservant as a token of good grace and friendship.