Sunday, June 20, 2004

Australia full of Slackers!

Latest research to come from Southern Cross University historian Dr Adele Wessell suggests that Australians are slack when it comes to the kitchen.

A study of what Australians cook most often at home shows that we choose Spaghetti Bolognaise over the original Aussie favorites of meat and three veggies, fish and chips or pie and peas.

It seems that a five minutes in the pot and your done mentality has griped Australia.

Not happy to just let it happen Dr Wessell will present a paper at the British World Conference in Melbourne from July 2 to 4, entitled There's no taste like home: the food of the empire.

I for one am happy with my pasta and sauce! I'm not about to boil my veggies for half an hour just so I can eat tasteless meals like my grandparents.

After McDonalds was in the media this week over the 'Super Size Me' campain Mr Russo, the CEO of McDonalds couldn't let this topic pass him by either stating "I'm of Italian descent and I couldn't eat spaghetti Bolognese every day."

The world is now urging Mr Russo to 'get a grip!'

1 comment:

Sponky said...

I love cooking. Theres nothing better than getting in the kitchen and whipping something up.