Wednesday, June 23, 2004

My next wife.

With Jack Ryan, former wife of Jeri Lynn Ryan, running for a US Senate seat from the state of Illinois details of their divorce are now coming out.

In the divorce filings, the 36-year-old actress complains of being ambushed with trips to sex clubs during supposed "romantic" getaways to New York, New Orleans and Paris and asked to perform sex acts on Mr Ryan in public. Mr Ryan also specifically asked other people to watch.

It is good that the media hounds celebrities through every detail of their life. Through it I can learn what Jeri likes and dislikes, making it easier to win her over!

My next wife!


Sponky said...

Didn't Ben Affleck play Jack Ryan lately? Now we know he's a dirty, dirty boy!

Jason said...

Baldwin will always be my Jack Ryan!

Jason said...

Your right!!!

Kel's my next, jeri will be after that.