Friday, July 23, 2004

E stands for End Mandatory Detention

Labor has Garret. Greens have Merlin Luck?

In a thirty second clip that can be found at the Australian Greens Website Merlin Luck and his 'Free th Refugees' sign team up with leader of the Australian Greens Bob Brown to show that the greens feel strongly about mandatory Detention.

In the ad Bob comes onscreen in a scene that was shot in a park and says
"Hey Merlin! I found your E" before placing it on the sign after the th.
Merlin replies by saying "Mate, your always picking up the pieces!" Bob suggests that the E stands for "End mandatory Detention!" which I thought suggested that he thought Merlin could have had a better statement on his sign but that the sentiment was there.

Its ads like this one that makes me think twice about joining the Greens. Do I really want my membership money going into producing adverts like this one? Go check it out and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All Merlin wants to do is 'free th' refugees' but when he teams up with Greens Senator Bob Brown the campaign bus just runs off the road for me.

I support an end to mandatory detention because of the impact it has on mental health, especially on children, but the ad makes no attempt to put such arguments or to tell us how voting for the Greens will help change the shameful situation.

The Greens aren't going to win Government and they're already in Parliament but detention has happened under their watch. Surely Merlin knows the Greens don't have a very good record of success in changing laws at the Federal level so it surpises me he has given them his endorsement.

Allright, Merlin just wants to protest, he was given another platform to voice his protest on by Bob Brown and he took it. I would probably do the same. My main criticism is the ad is either naive or assumes those watching are.
