Friday, July 02, 2004

Final Day!!!

Well, while not many people cared about my attempt at getting people to visit my site more then once a few did. Firstly I would like to thank Sponky, PocKet and mscynic for having the courage to have a go.

Secondly I would like to thank tealou for not telling the world the answers after she cheated at the start of the week.

Everyone is still in the game. PocKet unfortunately being on the other side of the world could possibly miss out as I will be revealing the answers later this afternoon. Although I'm sure she would say that the stars look like her brothers girlfriend.

Finally here's the results to yesterdays rounds.

There is no winner of Round 8. It seems American Idol's Kelly Clarkson has already had her 15 minutes of fame.

The winner of Round 9 is PocKet guessing Kirsten Dunst, the star of Spider-Man 2.

The tally stands at Sponky 1, mscynic 2 and PocKet 2

Round 10

Round 11

1 comment:

Jason said...

Too help today along....
Round 10, someone said her yesterday
Round 11, she has lots of nerds as her fans