Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Play School now a haven for cross dressers?

David Goodwin, a Queensland drone, has raised doubts about 'Play School's live performances this week off the back of the Gay School debate.

Having attended a live play school performance hosted by George Spartels and Benita Collings, Mr Goodwin dragged his family from the protest and went home to complain.

It appears that Mr Goodwin was upset at the site of George wearing a Mary had a little lamb outfit, complete with pigtails. He also took offence at George making reference to Mary living in Fortitude Valley, apparently a late night entertainment and red light district.

An ABC spokesperson said the show was an innocent pantomime with no messages and the only reason George had mentioned Fortitude Valley was because he lived there.

It would appear that Mr Goodwin owes George an apology. First he criticizes Georges occupation then he makes statements saying that George lives in a seedy neighbourhood.

He continues. "My concern is kids cannot tell reality from fiction and if they are seeing this every day, it warps what they think is real, They never see their dad jumping around in women's clothing."

Mr Goodwin said the cross-dressing was further evidence Play School was promoting gay and lesbian lifestyles as normal and acceptable to children.


Random said...

No performances with men dressed as women. Does that mean they will eventually ban panto over there? What will the z-list celebrities and formerly famous people do over the xmas period now?

Jason said...

It's all true!